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for research funders

who want to: demonstrate the extent and impact of their research funding and deliver on their commitment to OA


The OA Switchboard can be used by funders to support policy compliance and development, the fulfilment of OA publication-level arrangements, making OA publishing highly visible, and increasing OA. Participation in the OA Switchboard will lead to enhancements in OA publication metadata and integration with the increasingly complex open access research and publishing ecosystem.


As an intermediary, the OA Switchboard simplifies the sharing of information between publishers, institutions and funders, thereby reducing the transactional cost for stakeholders, and it provides a safe space for publication metadata.


We currently support two use cases:

  1. Reporting Made Easy (supported by P1-messages)

  2. Matching Publication Costs with Publication Funds


Get inspired by participating fundersCases, Testimonials and InterviewsFind out more: Applications & Case Studies.


Why join?

Direct benefits;

consistent data format and efficiency

Indirect benefits

Supporting broader community benefits

More details on what funders gain by partnering with the OA Switchboard here


Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Compliance monitoring and cost monitoring: mandatory grant information and standardised reporting


See more in the March 2021 webinar (recording here)

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Tom Jakobs
Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)

Tom Jakobs is the Head of Data Management & Digital Transformation for the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).


Read full interview here.

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