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Video animations

Video animations in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Portuguese:
A safe space for publication metadata

A safe space for publication metadata

In 1.5 minutes: Learn how joining the OA Switchboard can both serve your organisation and drive open access - here

Un espace sécurisé pour les métadonnées de publication

Un aperçu d'une minute et demie des avantages d'OA Switchboard pour votre organisation et pour favoriser l'accès ouvert - here

Ein sicherer Raum zum Austausch von Daten

Ein Einblick in 1,5 Minuten in die Vorteile des OA Switchboard für Ihre Organisation und für Entwicklungen im Open Access - here

Uno spazio sicuro per i metadati delle pubblicazioni

In 1,5 minuti: Scopri quali vantaggi otterrebbero la tua organizzazione e l'Open Access partecipando all'OA Switchboard - qui


2分間の動画で、OA Switchboardがどのように組織に貢献し、オープンアクセスを促進するのかご紹介します。- here

Um espaço seguro para metadados de publicação

Em 1,5 minutos: Entenda como participar na OA Switchboard pode ajudar a sua organização e promover o Acesso Aberto - here

Video animation:
Learn how 'matching publication costs with publication funds' works in just 3 minutes!

Video animation here: Learn what the OA Switchboard is, how it can benefit your organisation, and how 'matching publication costs with publication funds' works in just 3 minutes!

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