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Video animation: Collaboration and Integration

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CCC RightsLink, OA Switchboard and ConsortiaManager showcase the benefits of industry collaboration and technical integration


Our scholarly ecosystem is challenged in unifying data, information and reporting. CCC RightsLink, OA Switchboard and ConsortiaManager launched a video animation to illustrate that when intermediaries cooperate by integrating their systems and services, the industry benefits from greater efficiency, reduced costs, and improved transparency. The animation illustrates this based on an example of a transformative agreement.

Video animation: The building blocks of research and their associated metadata

For our global research system to function, we need connections between the building blocks of research. These connections can be realised by metadata, that captures how people, organisations and things interact.


There is a challenge in making, preserving and sharing the connections, and re-using the associated metadata.


This video animation tells the positive story of how it can be done. It illustrates how this could look across the lifespan of one research grant. It shows that all the components are there. It is about making them work together properly and everyone has a part to play.

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Data Quality Challenge
October 2024: Leaflet available for librarians and consortia, with points to discuss when meeting with publishers, on the importance of accurate and complete metadata (download here)

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October 2023: Leaflet available for research funders, institutions/consortia and publishers who want to learn more about the Data Quality Challenge - Consolidating Data from Multiple Publishers: Standardise, Analyse, Enhance (download here)

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Japan Open Science Summit 2023

On 22 June 2023 OA Switchboard presented at the online Japan Open Science Summit 2023 (JOSS2023) which was held from 19 to 23 June.

JOSS 2023 is Japan's largest open science conference, and brings together a wide range of professionals including researchers, university librarians, IT and infrastructure professionals, and policy-makers.


A recording of our presentation, with Japanese sub-titles is available here.

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Reporting Made Easy
New infographic available for research institutions who want to learn more about a consistent data format from multiple publishers and tips to get started (download here)

Reporting Made Easy infographic May2023.JPG
Reporting Made Easy infographic Mar2021.JPG

Or download the second infographic here.

The OA Switchboard router

On 21 February 2023 we announced a major update to the OA Switchboard core router.

A tutorial on 'How does the OA Switchboard router work?' is available here.

Additional documentation is here.


A related tutorial on 'Why do I receive this P1-message?' is available here.

2022 joint research project
“What are the opportunities to use ROR id’s available at source to enrich openly available author affiliation data?”

More details,  Results & Conclusions and Recommendations & Next Steps here

OA Switchboard webinar: Thursday 27 October 2022
Collaborating to Unlock the Power of PIDs

The recording of this 27 October 2022 webinar is available here.

Poster (#OASPA2022 conference):
A safe space for publication metadata

Who is interested in receiving ‘easy reports’? Excel export for basic analysis. Standardised ‘messaging’ protocol in JSON.

The poster is available here.

Making local OA funds visible and checking eligibility through the OA Switchboard - JMIR & FAU case study

This webinar was based on the 2022 Society for Scholarly Publishing Annual Meeting, June 2nd 2022, Chicago.

Katrin Seyler, Open Access librarian at Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) in Germany, gives insights into the OA Switchboards with focus on funding eligibility of a specific paper, reporting and collaborations with funders. She also talks about the challenges inherited in open access funding and the communications it entails by both a librarian and a researcher.

Related article is hereThe presentation is available here.

Making reporting easy and increasing visibility of open access publication output – a how-to webinar from OA Switchboard publisher participants

The recording of this 20 April 2022 webinar is available here.

Lessons Learned to Make Reporting Easy:
source data, PIDs, interoperability and a simple messaging tool

Recording of this 29 March 2022 webinar is here. A summary of the Q&A (including questions unanswered during the webinar) is here. The full slide deck is here.

How to log in and retrieve your Excel/JSON reports

Quick Reference Card "How to log in and retrieve your Excel/JSON reports" available here

Tutorials are available on:

- 'How do I export and use the Excel report?'

- 'How do I use the JSON export?'

"Smart matching" enabled by ROR API

Ivo Verbeek from our tech partner shares how OA Switchboard uses smart matching enabled by the ROR API to identify author affiliations. Presented at the ROR Community Meeting (February 2022), watch the full presentation here. Open source code is here.

Matching Publication Costs with Publication Funds

  1. Infographics here: Needs of research funders, institutions/libraries and academic publishers

  2. Infographic here: Matching article-level charges with publication funds via Eligibility Enquiry messages

  3. Infographic here: How can stakeholders connect to the OA Switchboard

  4. Video animation here: Learn what the OA Switchboard is, how it can benefit your organisation, and how 'matching publication costs with publication funds' works in just 3 minutes!

  5. Recording of the 8 September webinar here: a wide range of use cases, covering all kind of business models and a wide range of technical implementations ('connectors') for data feeds from different source systems.

Reporting Made Easy

  1. Infographic here: Needs versus Reality (Research libraries need successful Open Access strategies)

  2. Infographic here: OA Switchboard as article-level reporting hub for Publishers, Libraries/Institutions and Funders

  3. Infographic here: How publishers can connect to the OA Switchboard to compose and send messages

  4. Video animation here: Learn what the OA Switchboard is, how it can benefit your organisation, and how 'reporting made easy' works in just 3 minutes!

  5. Recording of the 31 March webinar here: a practical evidence-based look at how the OA Switchboard is making reporting easier via a series of short five minute talks and use case presentations

Poster at SSP 43rd Annual Meeting: From Chaos to Innovation (27 May 2021)

Poster here.
Recorded session here.

Panel at NASIG 2021 Conference (20 May 2021)

Recorded session here.

ICOLC Meeting Panel (21 April 2021)

Slides here.

Poster at UKSG 44th Annual Conference (13 April 2021)

Poster here.

Recorded session here.



Lightning Talk at 30th Annual North Carolina Serials Conference (9 April 2021)

Slides here.
Recorded session here.

OA Switchboard 'Reporting Made Easy' webinar (31 March 2021)

Recorded session here.

Presentation at NISO Plus 2021 (24 February 2021)

Presentation here.
Recorded session here.

InformationToday feature article (2 February 2021)

Article here.

Outsell Analysis: OA Switchboard addresses an acute need in scholarly communications (19 January 2021)

See here.

Keynote at Academic Publishing in Europe Conference (APE2021): The New Face of Trust (13 January 2021)

Presentation here.

Panel at Annual Publishing Conference 2020, Rave Technologies (9 December 2021)

Presentation here.

OA Switchboard webinar (8 December 2021)

Recording here.

Presentation/panel at CNI Fall Virtual Membership Meeting (December 1-7, 2021)

Presentation here.

Update webinar during OASPA AGM (5 November 2021)

Recording here.

2nd Basel Sustainable Publishing Forum - The Global Transition to Open Access: Challenges and Solutions (26 October 2021)

Recording here.

Presentation here.

API integration workshop (26 August 2020)

Brainstorm animation here

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