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OA Switchboard
central metadata exchange hub
The OA Switchboard is a mission-driven, community led initiative designed to simplify the sharing of information between stakeholders about open access publications throughout the whole publication journey
The independently managed, shared infrastructure provides a safe space for publication metadata.
The standardised protocol allows for the transparent exchange of data about OA publications, designed to operate and integrate with all stakeholder systems.
It eases the administrative burden of maintaining many-to-many relationships, and managing OA compliance. It reduces the sheer volume of manual information exchange.
Learn more about the 'intermediary' concept in our blog and video animations
Executive Director OA Switchboard
Yvonne Campfens
Chair Stichting OA Switchboard
Claire Redhead, OASPA
The OA Switchboard is run by Stichting OA Switchboard, a foundation registered under company number 80620698 whose registered office is at Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5, 2595 BE, The Hague, The Netherlands.
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