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Microbiology Society: reporting use case

Provide article-level metrics of all Open Access (OA) articles published by the Society’s six journals, to stakeholders, when, where and however they need


P&R clients expect our reports to meet certain industry templates and standards. Our data are to be sourced from multiple internal systems and data feeds. To build full article life cycle metadata, a-synchronous data need to dealt with. And then, feeding this all automatically into the OA Switchboard API in the standard message structure.


Our Microbiology Society 'custom connector' (with private data store), combining data from several internal sources and turning these into the standardised OA Switchboard P1-messages. Recipients benefit from direct alerts upon VoR publication and article-level authoritative data from the source (=us, the publisher), in a standard messaging protocol. Aggregated, these provide standardised reports. The messages/reports can be fed straight into existing systems for further processing and analysis.


See more in the September 2021 webinar (recording here)


We are operational with all message types and scenario’s, and by mid-September 2021 we sent over 9,000 message since go-live.

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